DravLing is a group of students and experts committed to research and reviving the declining field of Dravidian linguistics, the study of a family of languages spoken across the Indian subcontinent. Our mission is to document and reconstruct modern, ancient, and unattested Dravidian languages. We approach this using both traditional and computational methods, while considering synchronic and diachronic views of South Asian languages.
Title: “A Disproof of North Dravidian: Evidence from Indo-Aryan and Iranic Loanwords”
Presenter: Dr. Samopriya Basu
Time: Saturday, June 15th, 2024 at 11:00am (EST).
The well-known 20th-century Dravidian linguist Dr. David W. McAlpin passed away last December. His main research interest was in the Zagrosian hypothesis, which posited a genetic relationship between Elamite and Dravidian. He was an avid member of DravLing and enjoyed discussing the history and culture of South Asia outside of linguistics. He will be missed. Read his obituary here.
We do not have a group email. However, the main contact for the group is Surya Sanjay (ssanj@umich.edu). If you want to reach a specific group member, see the About page for links to their profiles. If you’d like to join the group, feel free to send us an email, and we’d be glad to provide you with information and add you to our mailing list.